Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Again...I hate Mondays

It is now 8:02 am Wednesday morning. I am ready for bed. I didn't get wound down last night until a little after 1am. I was up at 5 am to be at work by 7 am. Why must Mondays be so late. Nobody really wants to be at the doctors office at 9 pm. The coffee is starting to run through my veins. Hopefully that will work. I see a nap around 5 pm.
To change the subject. Has anyone ever pulled out there bathroom sink drain stopper? Oh my God! I have been having problems with my sink drain. It doesn't move if you pull the thing to open and close it. I have to reach under the cabinet to open it. Plus the cats love to lay in the sink. I guess it is a cool place for them to lay. Well their naps proceed to close the drain. I got the shits of it last night and pulled the whole drain out. Honestly, I have never been so grossed out! I was waiting for that disgusting clump of everything that goes into a bathroom sink to talk to me. It was late and I was tired. So, I may be over exaggerating, but how the hell does a plumber get up every morning to deal with that "stuff"? This whole issue goes right along with the port-a-pot at Lake Redman. You know it's bad when a 3 year old says,"No, that's nasty". No lying, the shit was 2 inches from the opening of the shitter. Cora and Rosa used the thing. The trees weren't very inviting that day I guess. Could you imagine being the poor SOB that gets to suck that clean? LOL Okay, enough of that. I am at work and should be working. Later.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dutch Wonderland

Thanks to Dr. Roth, Mom's boss, we all had a wonderful time at Dutch Wonderland on Saturday. The weather was perfect and the kids where great. I'm glad Kenny was able to come along. He helped out a lot with the kids. Karen and James aren't big ride fans, so Kenny and I had fun with the kids on the rides. Cora even talked me into getting on the Sky Ride, AKA OMG this thing is only hanging from a fricking welded bead. If I make it off of this...Wow!!! Needless to say I didn't like it, but I did it for the girls. I even held Reid and Cora's ears shut as we were standing on the yellow foot prints waiting for the car to scoop us up so I could ask the guy the chances of death. He laughed and asked if I was afraid of heights. He said he would have the EMS waiting for me on the other side. The water park was fun too. The kids loved the water slides. One of them is completely dark. I can't believe they went back for more. It was crazy. You had no clue where you were going. Dad had a blast also. I thought for sure we would be kicked out. Karen will hopefully post some pics on her blog. It was a wonderful time with the family. I asked Dad if he wanted me to drive home as we were driving down 30. His response was,"I can't help the car keeps getting sucked into the side of the road." We were all very tired and happy to see our beds.

Ok...the fire

Last Wednesday I recieved a call at work. It was one of my neighbors telling me to come home because my house was on fire. WTF! Ok, not really. My neighbors house was on fire, but no one knew what shape mine was in. See, I live in a semi-detached. Their dryer was on fire in the basement. My kids where with Karen. The neighbor kids were out and safe. All the animals on the other hand didn't feel like coming out. I pulled up to my neighborhood, AKA hood, and had to park a block away because of all the fire trucks. After recieving permission from Bertha, the volunteer fire woman that probably can't even blow out a candle because she was so ... Big, I found out that my house was okay. No crispy critters. They all ran to the door to see their wonderful Mommy as soon as the door was openned. The smell on the other hand was awful and the smoke in the basement was even better. God Bless the Fire People! Red Lion needs to interview before sending to fire. All I can say is weird. Oh well. The neighbors house has a lot of fire damage. They have been living in a Hotel. Their kitchen and basement need to be stripped down completely to get rid of the smoke smell. I have a feeling they will be enjoying the insurance money. I noticed all the kids had on brand new shiney Nike sneakers today.

Friday, August 1, 2008

3 Weeks

I just realized that it is now 3 weeks of no smoking! I feel great! Wonder what I can buy myself this week????