Monday, November 3, 2008

An Assignment From My Father

Dad alway hears Karen and I talking about our blogs. He said he wants us to blog about how our life would've been without him as a father. Here it goes.
1. I would not be me. My father played an important part in the whole conception thing. Therefore, my eyes might have been blue, my ear without a lump and my nose not so unique.
2. My sense of humor would not exist.
3. No trips to Chincoteague would have happened. Not every child got to go to the beach every year growing up.
4. Shit on the shingles. Need I say more?
5. Who else had a "raviolli factory" come to life in their kitchen every once and awhile?
6. Add the jungle in there, too!
7. Not learning to use tools at the basement work bench on Lakeview Dr.
8. Not seeing how proud he was to see me graduate.
9. No awesome mashed potatoes at holidays.
10. No "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever."
11. No brownies WITH nuts. "It really is the only way they should be made".
12. No Wee Willy or Wobble Yack.
13. No flipping back rides on the bed that made us all laugh histerically.
14. No one to look like the devil and scare the shit out of us when we did something wrong. Maybe that's why I didn't get into too much trouble?
15. No Dallas, Dinesty or PM news.
16. No interesting family gatherings on Sunday afternoons.
17. No one to tell me to that moving back home was just a "stepping stone"'
Okay, this list could go on and on. I would not be who I am without my Dad. The world wouldn't be the same and God knows he is here for a reason. Love you Dad!

Rosa's Morning Bathroom Humor

Cora and I were standing in front of the bathroom mirror this morning brushing her hair. Rosalyn comes walking in singing a song. Cora asked, "What are you singing?" "Nothing" was Rosalyn's reply. "I heard words. What did you say?", asked Cora. Again, Rosalyn said, "Nothing."
Rosalyn then said, "You want to hear this song? It's called 'Nothing' too." She then proceeded to dance around in complete silence. "Did you hear it?", she asked us. "No", we both replied. "That's because it's called Nothing!"
Maybe you had to be there, but it sure made me laugh. We all started the day with a laugh. It was great!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Red Lion Halloween Parade

Seeing that I have a wonderful co-worker by the name of Kate and an awesome Office Manager by the name of Cheryl I was able to switch hours so I could take Cora and Rosalyn to the parade. The Red Lion parade is a "family tradition", as Cora stated before the parade last night. It was cold so I told the girls to dress like they were going out to play in the snow.They did and were still freezing before the parade started, but that is half the fun to loose feeling in toes and other body parts. At 6:30 pm we headed to the main drag in Red Lion to find that all the other "parade groupies" thought ahead and put blankets and chairs out about 2 hours before things started. We found a spot right on the corner (no comment Karen) of High St. and Broadway. It turned out to be a great seat! All the usual entries were there from Kay's Reflection's to the hot air balloon group that place the basket on a trailer and scorch at least one power line every year by shooting an enormous flame into the air. I saw an 80 year old women dressed as a flapper because her husband wanted to play Bonnie and Clyde. Right before the judges she climbed out of the car in her high heels and bright red flappers dress to WOW the judges. God, I hope she doesn't come down with pneumonia. Clyde would never be the same. As always we loved the guys on four wheelers doing their crazy tricks that were even crazier seeing that it was about 40 some degrees and raining. The best float was the Beverly Hill Billies. They had everything down to granny in a rocking chair on the back of their hill billy automobile. The girls always enjoy running around picking up candy. Kenny and I had to laugh seeing them dive and roll around on the wet street for a dum dum pop or a tootsie roll. They made out great when it comes to candy. There was an annoying girl beside us that kept screaming,"I want candy. Candy, candy, candy!" It got old quick and I was amazed her parents let her do it! It was great seeing the parade participants ignore her. After the "grand " ending of, no lie, about 15 emergency vehicles we headed home. The girls were hungry for popcorn chicken for bedtime snack and of course they had to have a piece of candy. I got them to bed around 10 pm and came down to watch some of the football game with Kenny before we went to bed. I stopped and picked up one of the candy buckets and was digging around for what might taste wonderful in my mouth when I came across something I never found in a Halloween candy basket. Can you guess. Ready? A nasty, soggy, smelly cigarette butt. Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cora's Track Meet

Cora had a track meet yesterday. She came in 2nd out of all the 4th grade girls. I believe she said it was 46 girls all together. She came running out of school yesterday with her little red ribbon held high above her head. I am so proud. Maybe we have so cross country meets on our agenda that we aren't aware...

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Karen and Reid stopped by the house the other night to drop off a large bag of hand-me-down clothing and the popcorn order forms. Reid was walking up the stairs to play with the girls and he asked,"Aunt Wendy, Can I sing at your wedding?" I asked what he wanted to sing and this is what he sang. "Here comes the bride. Here comes the bride. Hi Ho the Dario, Here comes the bride." How cute!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Big Sister

My older sister is the most wonderful, beautiful, generous, loving person I know! Love ya Karen! Thanks for making my life so perfect. Without you I would be nothing. As I quickly approach the age of 30 life seems so clear. I now realize you have always been right, and I have been horribly, terribly wrong. Thank you for your guidance. I wish I could be as wise as you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Catch Up Time

Well, a lot has happened over the pass month or so. Number 1, I'm no longer single. I'm actually engaged to be married in June of 2009. His named is Kenny. Special, very special. The girls get a long with him very well. With my work schedule I think he is with them more then I am. He is from New Oxford. The youngest of 4. He loves to work, can't stand sitting around. After the wedding we will probably be moving to New Oxford or Hanover. We get along great and love learning more about each other. I need to get a computer so I can post pictures and really enjoy this whole blogging thing.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Again...I hate Mondays

It is now 8:02 am Wednesday morning. I am ready for bed. I didn't get wound down last night until a little after 1am. I was up at 5 am to be at work by 7 am. Why must Mondays be so late. Nobody really wants to be at the doctors office at 9 pm. The coffee is starting to run through my veins. Hopefully that will work. I see a nap around 5 pm.
To change the subject. Has anyone ever pulled out there bathroom sink drain stopper? Oh my God! I have been having problems with my sink drain. It doesn't move if you pull the thing to open and close it. I have to reach under the cabinet to open it. Plus the cats love to lay in the sink. I guess it is a cool place for them to lay. Well their naps proceed to close the drain. I got the shits of it last night and pulled the whole drain out. Honestly, I have never been so grossed out! I was waiting for that disgusting clump of everything that goes into a bathroom sink to talk to me. It was late and I was tired. So, I may be over exaggerating, but how the hell does a plumber get up every morning to deal with that "stuff"? This whole issue goes right along with the port-a-pot at Lake Redman. You know it's bad when a 3 year old says,"No, that's nasty". No lying, the shit was 2 inches from the opening of the shitter. Cora and Rosa used the thing. The trees weren't very inviting that day I guess. Could you imagine being the poor SOB that gets to suck that clean? LOL Okay, enough of that. I am at work and should be working. Later.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dutch Wonderland

Thanks to Dr. Roth, Mom's boss, we all had a wonderful time at Dutch Wonderland on Saturday. The weather was perfect and the kids where great. I'm glad Kenny was able to come along. He helped out a lot with the kids. Karen and James aren't big ride fans, so Kenny and I had fun with the kids on the rides. Cora even talked me into getting on the Sky Ride, AKA OMG this thing is only hanging from a fricking welded bead. If I make it off of this...Wow!!! Needless to say I didn't like it, but I did it for the girls. I even held Reid and Cora's ears shut as we were standing on the yellow foot prints waiting for the car to scoop us up so I could ask the guy the chances of death. He laughed and asked if I was afraid of heights. He said he would have the EMS waiting for me on the other side. The water park was fun too. The kids loved the water slides. One of them is completely dark. I can't believe they went back for more. It was crazy. You had no clue where you were going. Dad had a blast also. I thought for sure we would be kicked out. Karen will hopefully post some pics on her blog. It was a wonderful time with the family. I asked Dad if he wanted me to drive home as we were driving down 30. His response was,"I can't help the car keeps getting sucked into the side of the road." We were all very tired and happy to see our beds.

Ok...the fire

Last Wednesday I recieved a call at work. It was one of my neighbors telling me to come home because my house was on fire. WTF! Ok, not really. My neighbors house was on fire, but no one knew what shape mine was in. See, I live in a semi-detached. Their dryer was on fire in the basement. My kids where with Karen. The neighbor kids were out and safe. All the animals on the other hand didn't feel like coming out. I pulled up to my neighborhood, AKA hood, and had to park a block away because of all the fire trucks. After recieving permission from Bertha, the volunteer fire woman that probably can't even blow out a candle because she was so ... Big, I found out that my house was okay. No crispy critters. They all ran to the door to see their wonderful Mommy as soon as the door was openned. The smell on the other hand was awful and the smoke in the basement was even better. God Bless the Fire People! Red Lion needs to interview before sending to fire. All I can say is weird. Oh well. The neighbors house has a lot of fire damage. They have been living in a Hotel. Their kitchen and basement need to be stripped down completely to get rid of the smoke smell. I have a feeling they will be enjoying the insurance money. I noticed all the kids had on brand new shiney Nike sneakers today.

Friday, August 1, 2008

3 Weeks

I just realized that it is now 3 weeks of no smoking! I feel great! Wonder what I can buy myself this week????

Monday, July 21, 2008

I Don't Know

I am still smoke free! I feel great and I am very surprised that I have no desire to even pick one up. I went to Wal-mart on friday and bought myself a new purse. I thought I deserved it. It was a very busy weekend. A lot of family gatherings. Nothing too exciting. The girls enjoyed the river. Cora was jumping off the front of a boat into the water. Rosa would hang out by the ladder and swim around. We bought a small pool (8ft x 26in) on friday. I think I got my moneys worth out of it already. The girls have been in it at least 2-3 times a day and I have been in it twice. It is just the right size to kick back and relax in. Rosalyn will be getting her tonsils and adnoids out on August 26th. She has had strep 4-5 times in the past year. Poor thing, the week after surgery should be interesting. At least my boss granted my time off so I can be with her. My car is still acting up. Yay! That makes me so happy. Maybe this time it'll be done right.

Monday, July 14, 2008

To Hell With Mondays

My Monday started around 9:30 pm last night. I received a phone call from the sister of the friend that Rosa was spending the night at. I thought nothing of it, a big sis is calling for mom. NO! The frickin parents weren't home. OK the sister is 16, but nothing was mentioned about a parent not being there. What type of shit for brain people do I deal with? Needless to say Rosa will no longer be spending the night at Regan's house. Meanwhile I have 2 extra girls at my house staying over night with Cora. The responsible parent that I am packed all three kids into my car to go pick up Rosa. That is when I found out no parents were home. I asked if Regan's M or D could bring her home. Nope, not home. We all get home safe and sound. Around 10:30 everyone goes to bed. At Midnight Cora comes down saying,"I don't want Eden in bed with me. I can't sleep." Well, needless to say I freaked. "Don't you think this is something you should've thought about before you asked for a friend to sleep over? You have to sleep on the floor." Holy hell I didn't know I was raising the frickin Princess and the Pea because Cora quickly informed me that she will not sleep on the floor. Guess what? Her ass slept on the floor. OK, all is well...until 12:45. I had just fallen to sleep when I hear,"Wendy? Julianne wants to go home." I could've had a big fat cigarette by this point, but I'm stronger then that. So, I got dressed and walked Julianne home. Thank God she lives 2 doors down. After that I did get to sleep. Right when I wake up my phone rings. It's Dad. "Hey Wendy. Your car is done" Well that's just great, but I won't have the money until Thursday. Needless to say some people don't understand the way I live. Is that so hard to believe that someone is piss poor most of the time? So, Dad picked up the bill. I had to fill up the loaner cars gas tank. Well, that beast took 39.00 for half a tank. That would fill up my entire tank. A melt down was on its way and that occurred approximately at 11:25 am at the Starbucks on Queen Street. I walk in and Mom happens to be in front of me. I started to fill her in on my day and then remembered that my passenger side mirror was hanging off again since I got it back form Ford. Well, it was loose in the first place and when it went through the car wash it knocked it loose again. Tears and all, I stood in Weaver's parking lot "fixing" aka "riggin" my mirror. What else could go wrong? The whipped cream on my Mocha Frappocino was sour. 2 more hours and that shit would've been chunky. I did happen to call to tell them and yes the next time I go, I get a free drink! The day turned out alright once I got to work. That is my Monday for ya!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Breakfast In Bed

This morning I was awoken to Cora and Rosalyn holding a plate with an egg sandwich on it. They made me breakfast in bed! Cora is very responsible with the stove and Rosalyn had controls of the toaster. They even brought up a glass of milk and my pills. They make me so happy! Since we were up so early, we took the dogs for a walk to the park. Zuri and Pepper enjoy the park. Pepper even went down the slide 2 times. I don't think he really appreciated it, but it made the girls laugh. I am still smoke free. Last night was the first time I had thought of smoking. I was straightening the house up and I would usually smoke after that. I got over that pretty quick, surprisingly. Kate, my co-worker, texted to see how I was doing. She quit a week ago. We are somewhat each others support systems. Rosalyn is with Regan and Cora and I are at Mom and Dad's. Back to work tomorrow.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Over 24 Hours Later

It is now day 2 of no smoking. Surprisingly I am not having any craving issues. Instead, all I want to do is sleep. I don't think I ever heard my girls say "Mom, wake up!" so much as today. Thank God I have good kids that stay in the house when they know I am sleeping. They kept busy playing board games. I have a slight headache also. When I don't smoke I don't drink as much soda. Therefore, no caffeine. I feel like I am babbling. I am now at Karen's with the kids hoping to wake up. Oh well, all together I feel pretty good.

Friday, July 11, 2008


OK. Most of you have heard this before. I am trying to quit smoking again. I had one cigarette left this morning and just threw it away. Why just have one? So, I am apologizing ahead of time for any mood swings or just down right rudeness. The fact that I am using a rental car for the next week or so should help with the situation seeing that I can't smoke in it. Going to Dutch Wonderland tomorrow with the family should keep my mind off of things, too. So, if you happen to get caught in one of my mood hurricanes you have 2 choices: 1) find something to hang onto for the duration of the storm or 2) run for f**king cover!

Monday, July 7, 2008

I Hate Mondays!!!

Yeah, that's right! I hate Mondays. Starting work at 12:30 pm and getting off at 9 pm sucks. To think I still have to get the girls from Jeremy's. It'll be 10-10:30 until they get to bed. Midnight for me until I get settled down. I get to start work tomorrow at 7 am which means leaving the house a 6 am. Why don't I just stay here over night. Maybe I could get some over time for sleeping. I have 2 and a 1/2 more hours of this fun filled night. My here comes a fax. How exciting. It's probably some vacation for 4 days and 3 nights in Cancun. Yeah, that's funny. The kids always stay free,too. I hope that includes a 4 day babysitter because I will be "enjoying the drinks". Come back form lala land Wendy!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Day With Aunt Nenny

I spent the day with Hayden, Reid and Ella. We had a great time and they behaved so well. We started off at the York Township park. The equipment was wet, but the tire swings were fun for them. Reid really enjoyed the bouncy dinosaur and Ella was a trip on the bouncy horse. We then headed to the creek to look for "minos". Hayden really enjoyed the creek. He would like to go back again with Cora and Rosa so they can walk from bridge to bridge in the water. Hayden found minos, water spiders and crayfish. Reid had his snow boots on in the creek and Ella proceeded to walk across in her somewhat new sneakers. After the creek we all were getting hungry. We stopped at the house for new shoes and to let the dogs out. Then we headed back to Red Lion for lunch at Wendy's (restaurant). The kids were again very well behaved. They sat in the chairs and spoke quietly except for the time Hayden decided to talk about cat and dog poop. The Dollar Tree was the next stop for our day. The kids had a fun time picking out 2 toys each. Hayden picked army men and gum, Reid picked a motorcycle and gum and Ella picked a bubble toy and a soccer ball sippy. Our next stop was to my house to let my dogs out. We played there awhile inside and then enjoyed a popsicle on the front porch. Reid's fell on the ground near the end. I told him to throw it in the street and it landed right on the hood of my car. Oh well, can't be any worse then bird shit. All the kids enjoyed playing with the animals. I heard no one say anything about the cats trying to kill them either. Once my house got boring we went to Mam-maw Lou and Pap-paw Pooh's house. We sat on the back porch and enjoyed a rain shower while Pap-paw was picking on all of us. We were all starting to get a little tired, so we headed back to the Klahold house to relax in the back yard and chill in front of the TV. The kids are used to riding in a van, so they thought my car windows were neat. We were heading down Spring Wood Rd and I heard Reid say,"Hayden close your window. Monkeys and bears might come in." Hahaha, I had to laugh. The day was wonderful. Karen walked in the house, straight to the bathroom to scrub off rat shit. James walked in the door, Reid runs through the kitchen and kneed Ella in the head. First time all day I saw tears. Well, the parents are home, so why not!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Virgin Blog

Well here it goes. Karen has finally talked me into blogging. I have laughed so much reading her blog. It is great to read her blog at work on a stressful day. So, I thought I would give it a try.
It is the 4th of July. The girls are with Jeremy and Whitney. I am at Mom and Dad's for a cookout. Karen is chewing obnoxiously in my ear behind me. I am probably getting poison all over Dad's computer. He'll be happy to know that. The last time he had poison he wrapped himself in saran wrap so it wouldn't spread. I just heard a soda open, dinner must be ready. Blog later.