Monday, July 14, 2008

To Hell With Mondays

My Monday started around 9:30 pm last night. I received a phone call from the sister of the friend that Rosa was spending the night at. I thought nothing of it, a big sis is calling for mom. NO! The frickin parents weren't home. OK the sister is 16, but nothing was mentioned about a parent not being there. What type of shit for brain people do I deal with? Needless to say Rosa will no longer be spending the night at Regan's house. Meanwhile I have 2 extra girls at my house staying over night with Cora. The responsible parent that I am packed all three kids into my car to go pick up Rosa. That is when I found out no parents were home. I asked if Regan's M or D could bring her home. Nope, not home. We all get home safe and sound. Around 10:30 everyone goes to bed. At Midnight Cora comes down saying,"I don't want Eden in bed with me. I can't sleep." Well, needless to say I freaked. "Don't you think this is something you should've thought about before you asked for a friend to sleep over? You have to sleep on the floor." Holy hell I didn't know I was raising the frickin Princess and the Pea because Cora quickly informed me that she will not sleep on the floor. Guess what? Her ass slept on the floor. OK, all is well...until 12:45. I had just fallen to sleep when I hear,"Wendy? Julianne wants to go home." I could've had a big fat cigarette by this point, but I'm stronger then that. So, I got dressed and walked Julianne home. Thank God she lives 2 doors down. After that I did get to sleep. Right when I wake up my phone rings. It's Dad. "Hey Wendy. Your car is done" Well that's just great, but I won't have the money until Thursday. Needless to say some people don't understand the way I live. Is that so hard to believe that someone is piss poor most of the time? So, Dad picked up the bill. I had to fill up the loaner cars gas tank. Well, that beast took 39.00 for half a tank. That would fill up my entire tank. A melt down was on its way and that occurred approximately at 11:25 am at the Starbucks on Queen Street. I walk in and Mom happens to be in front of me. I started to fill her in on my day and then remembered that my passenger side mirror was hanging off again since I got it back form Ford. Well, it was loose in the first place and when it went through the car wash it knocked it loose again. Tears and all, I stood in Weaver's parking lot "fixing" aka "riggin" my mirror. What else could go wrong? The whipped cream on my Mocha Frappocino was sour. 2 more hours and that shit would've been chunky. I did happen to call to tell them and yes the next time I go, I get a free drink! The day turned out alright once I got to work. That is my Monday for ya!

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