Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Red Lion Halloween Parade

Seeing that I have a wonderful co-worker by the name of Kate and an awesome Office Manager by the name of Cheryl I was able to switch hours so I could take Cora and Rosalyn to the parade. The Red Lion parade is a "family tradition", as Cora stated before the parade last night. It was cold so I told the girls to dress like they were going out to play in the snow.They did and were still freezing before the parade started, but that is half the fun to loose feeling in toes and other body parts. At 6:30 pm we headed to the main drag in Red Lion to find that all the other "parade groupies" thought ahead and put blankets and chairs out about 2 hours before things started. We found a spot right on the corner (no comment Karen) of High St. and Broadway. It turned out to be a great seat! All the usual entries were there from Kay's Reflection's to the hot air balloon group that place the basket on a trailer and scorch at least one power line every year by shooting an enormous flame into the air. I saw an 80 year old women dressed as a flapper because her husband wanted to play Bonnie and Clyde. Right before the judges she climbed out of the car in her high heels and bright red flappers dress to WOW the judges. God, I hope she doesn't come down with pneumonia. Clyde would never be the same. As always we loved the guys on four wheelers doing their crazy tricks that were even crazier seeing that it was about 40 some degrees and raining. The best float was the Beverly Hill Billies. They had everything down to granny in a rocking chair on the back of their hill billy automobile. The girls always enjoy running around picking up candy. Kenny and I had to laugh seeing them dive and roll around on the wet street for a dum dum pop or a tootsie roll. They made out great when it comes to candy. There was an annoying girl beside us that kept screaming,"I want candy. Candy, candy, candy!" It got old quick and I was amazed her parents let her do it! It was great seeing the parade participants ignore her. After the "grand " ending of, no lie, about 15 emergency vehicles we headed home. The girls were hungry for popcorn chicken for bedtime snack and of course they had to have a piece of candy. I got them to bed around 10 pm and came down to watch some of the football game with Kenny before we went to bed. I stopped and picked up one of the candy buckets and was digging around for what might taste wonderful in my mouth when I came across something I never found in a Halloween candy basket. Can you guess. Ready? A nasty, soggy, smelly cigarette butt. Happy Halloween!!!

1 comment:

Mama2hre said...

Oh Yum! I want the nasty, wet cigarette butt! Gross! Glad ya'll had fun teaching your girls how to work the corner for some candy! Ah, yeah of course I had to make a comment! Geez!